The linked credit card details are associated with your BLEND account but are in fact stored on our credit card vendor, Adyen. It is important to note that both Adyen and BLEND employ website encryption to ensure that your payment details are secure. Removing a single credit card details before using a second credit card, will block you from using any credit card through Adyen and your BLEND profile.
There are three main options:
- Leave your BLEND account as is.
- Use a secondary credit card and then remove the first one from your BLEND profile.
- Remove the first credit card and prevent the use of any credit card through the vendor Adyen altogether. Note that you will be able to pay with a credit card through PayPal only.
If you chose the 3d option, submit a ticket and include the last 4 digits of the card you want to remove. Our support team will assist with your request.
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