A Bundle is made up of smaller individual projects with the same language pair and expertise that have been grouped together for added convenience (reduced overhead/processing time).
You can see available Bundle Projects and details in the Open Project > Bundle tab:
To review the source content of a given bundle, open the project page and toggle through each project by clicking the relevant part (1/5, 2/5, 2/5 etc.):
Upon completion of each part, select one of the following options:
- Sign & Next – Declare the current project complete and move to the next project in the bundle.
- Sign & Stop – Declare the current project complete and stop working on the bundle. The remaining projects in the bundle will be reassigned to another translator. This action will not impact your translator rating.
- Abandon This – Abandon the current project in the bundle. You will be automatically assigned to the next project in the same bundle.
- Abandon Bundle – Abandon the entire bundle.
Note: Both “Abandon” options should be used within 15 minutes from the moment you start a project. Otherwise, the abandon action will be recorded in your profile.
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