- I didn't receive new ratings, but the quality parameter went down. Why?
Quality is a dynamic parameter, and it is calculated automatically based on your Clients’ reviews and LL reviews. Only 60 most recent ratings of each kind are counted – with a time limitation of 2 years each.
Once 2 years after a review was left pass, it is excluded from your Quality parameter. It works both ways – if a negative review is no longer valid, your Quality Parameter may improve. If a positive one becomes irrelevant, it may go down.
- I received a positive project rating, but my quality parameter didn’t change. Why?
Quality parameter consists of 2 types of reviews – left by Clients and Language leader (LL) reviewers. These types of reviews are not interchangeable. If you received a positive rating and your parameter has not changed, most likely, you have already had the maximum rating in this review type (for example, you already scored 5/5 in Clients’ reviews while LL ratings could still be improved).
Additionally, it may take up to 24 hours for the Dashboard to reflect the changes.
- If none of my projects were rated, will my Quality be 0?
If none of your projects were checked by the LL, the Quality parameter will be grayed out and you can't move up a level. After the first review, the parameter will be unlocked.
Also, if a project is not rated by a client, it is calculated towards your Quality as a project with the maximum rating.
- What if I don’t agree with an LL review?
If you disagree with the evaluation of the reviewer on a certain project, you are welcome to list the points you do not agree with (explaining why) and specify them in your reply to the reviewer. You can also file a dispute on the review and it will be checked by our Quality team. Unjustified reviews are removed from your statistics. Note: there's a limitation of 1 dispute per cycle.
- Do Editor's review on Editing projects influence my Quality parameter?
Response rate
- Does it count when I am on vacation? What if I’m contacted by a customer while I’m on vacation?
Yes, we expect translators to keep being in touch with the client even after the projects are delivered.
- Do emails count to my Response Rate?
No, emails do not influence your Response Rate. Only Translators-BLEND Talk and Client Discussion messages are counted.
- How can I see which projects are waiting for a response from me?
Click on the yellow star on your dashboard next to the Response Rate. If there is no yellow star, it means you do not have pending conversations or 16 hours given to post a reply have already passed.
- Should I always be the last one to leave a comment on the message board to maintain a high Response rate?
Yes, you should always post a reply or react with the Thumbs-up button.
Exceptions: messages marked with the green sign "Doesn't require reply."
- What if a comment is made on one of my projects during the night in my time zone?
A 16-hour response timeframe is sufficient to cover all time zones and it gives you enough time to reply and/or close any ongoing conversations.
On-time delivery
- Will a request for an additional time affect my On-time delivery parameter?
If the additional time is approved and the project is delivered on time, there will be no negative impact on the delivery rating.
- Will a negative On-time delivery rating be removed if it was due to a technical issue?
We take full responsibility for any technical issues preventing you from completing projects in a timely manner. If you experience any technical issues, contact our support team immediately so we can address them as quickly as possible. If the issue is not resolved by the time the project expires, the negative rating will be removed.
- Do un-signed projects affect my On-time delivery parameter?
The projects you have already completed may be un-signed, in most cases - when revision is required. However, they will not affect your On-time delivery rating.
Professional conduct
- What is Professional conduct? How do you measure it?
Professional Conduct is a parameter showing how professional your performance on the platform is and if it complies with our Terms of Service and/or our Code of Conduct. If you breach them, it is reflected on your Dashboard.
- What are ‘official warnings’?
In exceptional cases of breaching our Terms of Service, you can also receive official warnings. Getting 1 official warning per cycle will prevent you from moving a level up (you will keep your current level). Getting multiple warnings will give grounds for BLEND to reconsider further cooperation with you.
Projects delivered and Translation Volume
- I met Translation volume but didn't meet Projects delivered goals - will I go down a level?
No, only one of these two goals should be met to move a level up. If you fail to meet either, your level will stay the same.
- Is translation volume guaranteed?
Available translation projects depend on the market demand for your language pair at any given time. The target levels for each tier are not guarantees of available work volume. This is simply a parameter for the number of words/projects you need to translate to reach the next level.
- What if there are not enough available projects for me to meet the required translation volume?
If the required word/project count is not met in the current cycle, your Translator’s level will remain the same (considering all other parameters were met).
- I completed a project but my Translation volume / Projects delivered parameter didn’t change.
A project is counted towards your Translation volume/Projects delivered parameter after the status of the project becomes Completed.
Performance Board Cycle
- What happens when I am on vacation?
When your vacation starts, the days of your cycle freeze. For example, if your vacation starts on day 5 of your current cycle, you will return to day 5 when your vacation ends.
- Are Performance board cycles the same as calendar months?
No, each translator has an individual Performance Board cycle – 30 days each. The start of the cycle is not linked to any specific dates and may shift depending on your vacations.
- All my parameters are green, why am I not going up a level yet?
The recalculation of your level happens at the end of the 30-day cycle, so if all the goals are green by the end of the cycle, you will move a level up when a new cycle starts.
- I reached all the goals for the Diamond level. Will I get that level?
You can only move one level up or down per cycle. It means that you can become Diamond if your current level is Gold but you cannot move to Diamond from Silver in one cycle.
- Why was my translator's level lowered?
Your level may lower if you fail to meet your metrics goals within a given 30-day cycle
(Quality, Professional conduct, Response rate, On-time delivery).
Note that your level does not lower if you fail to meet Translation Volume or Projects delivered goals.
- How can I improve my level?
You can improve your Translator’s level only by achieving the goals of your Performance Board metrics. Your level is recalculated automatically at the end of each 30-day cycle.
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